This is the 20th installment of the series where I, calling myself a Fujii Kaze fan, recommend one song in particular to listen to!
"Seishun Sick"
For the "Fujii Kaze newbie", this song is indispensable, even though it has a surprisingly full-sized human feel.
This may be largely due to the influence of the music video, so please assume that you will listen to this with earphones.
The stability of the drums and the pleasant backbeat.
The familiarity of the vocals, breathing, humming, sighing, low tones, strength, and delicacy.
The way the guitar struggles pierces the melody.
Youth is not just a beautiful time, as we often make "excuses" for it.
That's why I want to get over it, but it's like a time of illness that brings me back and time again.
However, once you realize how precious it is, you will probably feel like praing to be allowed to live with it for the rest of your life as "a chronic condition".