



”声も聴かさないで 出て行って~”で、どういうわけか沢田研二の”勝手にしやがれ”の映像がよぎったのも束の間、”怠惰がうるさいのよ、いつも落ちる方がラクなの~”で、Amy Winehoseの”Rehab”が頭に浮かんできた。


何だこれ? 降参。





I've been watching KAZE's Asia tour videos for a long time, so I felt lack of "Mo-Eh-Wa" and "Lonely Rhapsody", so I came back to the CD.

It's really amazing. It reminds me of the first time I listened to "Flavor of Sin".


``Don't let me hear your voice, get away~'', and for some reason Kenji Sawada's "Katteni siyagare'' image flashed by, "laziness is killing me, it's always easier to succunb ~," then Amy Winehose's "Rehab" came to mind.

From "Whoa oh, it's flavor of sin~", I feit like a sinner who wandered into a church, and in the end, I felt that I'd been saved by him singing "I've got nothing else to be scared of," and that I was so pleased  with the process of being forgiven.

What's this?  I've surrended.


That's why I recommend Fujii Kaze, though I missed the Blue-KAZE T.