



aaht 浜松で私が書いたリクエストは、「ハッピーバースデーの歌」








In the documentary directed by Elizabeth Miyaji, I could listen to the requested song for my KAZE's aaht

That's about lucky with me.


When I went to the aaht in Hamamatu, I wrote to request him to sing "The Song of Happy Birthday".

After thinking deeply, I had decided to request him.

Because everyone knows that song, and has a occasion to sing it at least once a year, and everyone who has listened to it with his arrangements will be getting happy to have their birthdays reminding his singing every year in future.

KAZE, you had read my request card, I know.

Thank you guy!


(It would not  be a secret that my request at the Nesoberi Live in the 2years ago had been answered by him, so that it means I am keeping win, doesn't it?)