



4年前、伝説の何なんショーin渋谷公会堂のチケットSold outをお知らせする風さん22才の言葉だ。





他の動画ではSeptemberしてる風さんEarth Wind & Fireカバー)も見られて、あー、楽しー!



How are you doing?

Are you doing September?


4 years ago, these were the words of KAZE, 22 years old, announced that tickets for the legendary Nannan Show in Shibuya Public Hall were sold out.

Last night, I looked back at KAZE's community on YouTube.

The most impressive thing was his words "I hope you can feel it" and "I hope you find it useful" when HEHN was released (May 20, 2020).

Don't you feel like we can see the human soul called "Fujii Kaze"?


In another video, I can see KAZE  doing September (Earth Wind & Fire cover) , which is so exciting!