billboard JAPAN インタビュー記事!



You are me, and I am you だね。

これだけ”Fujii Kaze"の音楽を聴いてれば、もう、ひとつでしょ。









ありがとう、billboard JAPAN



Can I stop admiring you?

The presence of KAZE is so big for me that I feel like looking up at him from afar, but I'd like to stand on the same ground and look at him from the same perspective and live as a brotherhood.

You are me, and I am you.

I've listened to the music of "Fujii Kaze" really so much, and we're already one, aren't we?

I feel like he’s always next to me, and I feel like he's everywhere.

It's not because I have him on standby on my smartphone, or because I have screenshots of him all over my room, or because my playlist is "KAZE" all.

There's KAZE inside of me, so I can't just admire him anymore!

I respect you, and I love me.


Anyway, I'm sure if I tell tea farmers, my aquintances, that "tea picking" was supposed as a familir common occupation, they would be happy.

Thank you, MESSY.


Thanks, billboard JAPAN.