

じゃなかった、映画 ”四月になれば彼女は” を私はまだ観られてない。



tdc ”満ちてゆく” ”♪ 晴れてゆく空も~” Yo-Seaさんにしなさんのコーラスのところ、毎度目頭が熱くなる。

最後の ”♪ 満ちてゆく~” で、風さんの後ろのDURANさんが、ものすごく優しい顔するところ、好き。






I will be old in April.

No, I haven't seen the movie "April Come, She Will" yet.


Promotions on the official website, people's impressions on social media, and of course Fujii Kaze's comments have all piqued my interest, but the aftertaste of tdc is still lingering.

The chorus of Yo-Sea and Nishina's "♪ Whether the sky is clearing or~" from tdc's "Michi Teyu Ku" makes my eyes burn every time.

I like how DURAN behind KAZE looks so kind in the last part of the song, ”♪ Michi Teyu Ku~".


Is it really possible to be so moved by the movie?

Now that I'm thinking about it, I can't go to the movie theater, so I guess I'll update it.