


( 他の誰のせいでもない。)



朝から"Workin' Hard"を聴きながら踊れる私、最高!

( 通報されますよー!)



By the time we've reached the equinox in September, I wish it would be nice weather with being a less hot.

I was eating natto toast in front of my computer while the fan was running, and the Wind blew the natto threads and they stuck to my hair, and when I hurriedly brushed them away, the toast ended up all over the keyboard, which turned out to be a terrible mess.

( It's no one else's fault. )

It's not just the natto threads dancing in the Wind, it's myself.


I can dance while listening to "Workin' Hard" in the morning, which is great!

( I will be reported! )