ホンダ VEZEL、docomo、Google Pixel、Laundrin’、と来たけれど、わかってる人にしかわかられてない感じは拭えない。
A, 働く男・働く女のワークマン、職人編。
B, あったかご飯におかめ納豆、自炊編。
C, ピアノ売ってちょーだい、タケモトピアノ、番外編。
One way to make people feel closer to Fujii Kaze, who feel too high level only by CDs and MVs to get their hands on his music, is to use CMs.
Honda VEZEL, docomo, Google Pixel, and Laundrin', came up, but I can't shake the feeling that only those who know about them understand.
I know that KAZE has no business intentions.
It is understandable that it would be difficult for KAZE to get sponsors if his philosophy was to ”know what is enough.”
I am aware that there must be few companies that want to run TV commercials these days.
However, since I wanted to see it, I thought of a commercial that I would like KAZE to appear in.
A, Workman, craftsman edition for working men and women.
B, Warm rice and Okame natto, self-cooked version.
C, Please sell me the piano, Takemoto Piano, extra edition.
Not providing music, but performing! Please.