


さんざん藤井風さんU.S.ツアー動画を喰らった後で、"Best of Fujii Kaze 2020-2024" を聴くと、クラシック音楽のような透明感と安心感を覚えた。










Last night, I celebrated a birthday party alone, without the main character.


After being bombarded with videos from Fujii Kaze's U.S. tour, listening to "Best of Fujii Kaze 2020-2024" gave me the clarity and sense of security of like a classical music.

Even when singing in front of a recording microphone, KAZE must already have many correct answers.

For someone who can only cherish and repeat listening to a single recording that happened to be cut, the songs that are arranged at each live performance are like KAZE's children who continue to grow.

The recordings in my hands may be like a photo of them when they were born.

Just like an album.

The songs I listen to at the live performance are sure to be the ones I know, but I'm surprised at how taller and prettier they have become.


Other people's children grow up so quickly, I know.