アマプラでヴィム・ヴェンダース監督”PERFECT DAYS"を観たので、パーフェクトな人生について考えていたら、イチローさんの言葉に答えがあった。














アニマルズ”朝日のあたる家”からニーナ・シモン“フィーリング グッド”まで、流れる音楽が心に沁みた。



I watched Wim Wenders' "PERFECT DAYS" on Amazon Prime, and as I was thinking about what a perfect life would be, I found the answer in Ichiro's words.


Ichiro, the first Japanese to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, commented that he was "very glad" about not receiving a unanimous vote.


"Life is imperfect, so you can (think) that you should move forward," he said.


Don't expect anything from others, there's no point in expecting anything from others.

Just do what satisfies you.

And it's hard to do that perfectly.


So there's always next time, and morning will come.


Here too, I found the universal law I learned from Fujii Kaze.


The music that was playing, from The Animals' "The House of the Rising Sun" to Nina Simone's "Feeling Good," was deeply moving.