This is the 15th installment of the series, introducing one of Fujii Kaze's recommended songs!
I would like young people who are involved in club activities to lsten to this song.
KAZE says that he wanted to be an English teacher if he weren't a musician.
The teacher he talked about is probably "A school teacher" who doesn't just teach the subject, but also someone who can get excited with the students and embrace them as a senior in life.
I suspect that he also has a desire to convey to someone the precious things that his father gave him.
Unusual among his songs, it is filled with an open energy that seems to call out to others.
Anyway, the raw passion will make you want to dance, sing, and play the drums.
As a side note, whenever I listen to "MO-EH-YO", I am reminded of the movie "20 Year Old Soul" starring Kamio Fuju.